Case studies

Case studies

Results that AIDA has seen so far

AIDA personalized emails for a leading hyper-local deals marketplace. These were compared against hand-picked emails developed by the client’s regional sales team.

We observed:

  • 38% increase in CTOR (Click to Open Ratio)
  • 31% increase in transactions/ email opened

Targeted emails/ SMS

AIDA personalized context-aware app notifications for a leading hyper-local deals marketplace. These were compared against hand-picked app notifications developed by the sales team.

We observed:

  • 22% increase in notification open rates
  • 51% increase in revenue/ app notification received

Context-led app notifications

AIDA ran a POC for personalized recommendations for a new-age college search portal. These were compared against their existing recommendation system.

We observed:

  • 46% increase in students liking the college presented

Real-time recommendations